Well, it has been a funny old year hasn’t it? Since the cancellation of Open Studios 2020, much of life has seemed pretty flat. So, at least, this year, we have an on-line Open Up – for details please go to Open Up Sheffield – Sheffield & South Yorkshire Open Artists Studios. This Painting Malarkey rides again, though as individuals for the purposes of Open Studios
For me, the year has been momentous in one respect in that we are building (well, having built) our new house at the end of the garden.

Day 1 Craig arrived with a big red digger and a portaloo

Much mud ensued – for many weeks

at last, foundations laid…

and a splendid looking drive (with Mick and Dave, the Site Manager)

the new turning head gives an impression of the walls.
The combination of Covid and building works has rather curtailed my painting activities, but there is some new work that I hope you will like. luckily, the new house will hav studio space for me